Monday, April 13, 2009

perjumpaan mahasiswa melayu gpms UITM Kedah

Perjumpaan mahasiswa melayu gpms uitm kedah,

Perjumpaan ini dilakukan adalah untuk memberi sedikit sebanyak mengenai gabungan pelajar melayu semenanjung GPMS kepada ahli2 baru gpms. tujuan mahasiswa dlm gpms adalah untuk menolong bangsa sendiri dalam education beacuse education is the only power or weapon to defeat other ppl. this is the time where we as the mahasiswa realise that what is going to happen to our young generations?the boys and girls from any kampung? who will take action for them? who is gona help them in leading to a better life? thats when mahasiswa melayu akan masuk dan menolong bangsa sendiri. hanya bangsa sendiri akan tlg bangsa sendiri. thats the truth. im not discreminating other races nor being a racist. u can have all the friends u need in life regardless of races. but by the end of the day, who will be there for u other then ur own kind.....

our availability in universities is because we have realise the importance of protecting our own kind and we are not politician or pas. we are an non-goverment organization with good intension to help our race. in uitm, under my leadership,wif god blessing, we will be organizing a few activitities to show to the students in uitm that we do exist. our first step is to have a group binding where students will get to noe the new committees in gpms. to create mutual understanding and set the right goal of the organization which is to help our kind. next is to organize dinner wif anak yatim. to make them feel that they are not alone in this world. we are here to help and guide them.

below are a few pictures on Perjumpaan Mahasiswa Melayu gpms


  1. weii tarak awek cun pOn!
    tak beSh lahh...!

  2. sory leh wat..awek mua bz mlm tu.hehhe

  3. pehh... gila lahh yB seap pki kot...
    mMg ak cap dia...
    manusia yg palIng2 termasyhur di abad ini...!
    ohh yeah...!

  4. leh wat...MPP la leh wat..bdk2.hehe
